Gareth "Donkey" Gault
Founder & Director
Gareth Gault, better known as ‘Donkey’ to all his fans, is the director and owner of GRASSMEN. The brand GRASSMEN was established in 2010 and has grown exponentially year on year with thanks to our loyal fan base.
GRASSMEN have a huge online presence but the favourite side of the business for Donkey is attending the shows and meeting his fans. If you have attended any of the shows where GRASSMEN have had a stand, you will have seen the interactive nature of the distinctive GRASSMEN stand. This is a reflection of Donkey as a person. He is a very friendly, enthusiastic and caring person who enjoys having a chat and spending time with his fans, regardless of their age or what their favourite tractor is!
Donkey has always loved farming, and it is from this love that GRASSMEN evolved. Although Donkey did not grow up on a farm himself, he was lucky enough to have uncles and cousins who had farms and as a child they allowed him to get involved. As he grew up, he loved working long evenings and weekends milking cows on his family's farms.
Going onto University he studied a degree in Agricultural Economics and Management. From here he progressed to becoming a salesman selling animal feed. Another interest which developed on those family farms was animal nutrition. He didn’t just believe in selling the product, but selling the right product to the right person.
Donkey was able to fulfil another dream when he passed his HGV test and became a part-time driver for Blair International and this love of lorries never left. As you all know the pride and joy of the GRASSMEN fleet is EVA-ROSE!
Charity has always been close to Donkey's heart and from the outset, supporting various charities has been a large part of GRASSMEN. Donkey will do his utmost best to help charities whether that is fundraising, charity events or training days. Especially children’s charities as this means a lot to Donkey personally.
Finally, Donkey is more like a friend than a boss to all our staff and makes everyone feel like they are part of the team. #TEAMGRASSMEN
GRASSMEN started from Donkey's love of farming and he pursued it into a career which now employees around 20 people. Donkey would encourage any young person to follow their dreams and career, as anything is possible if you put your mind to it!