Our Team

Our Team

We have the best team working behind the scenes. As a company we are very proud of the fantastic team of staff behind our brand. Everyone within the team tries their utmost to provide the best service to all our fans and customers. Here at GRASSMEN we believe everyone is devoted and loyal to the brand and we couldn’t do it without each and every one of our team. We look forward to the brand growing each year and more employees joining the team. #TEAMGRASSMEN

Picture of Gareth

Gareth "Donkey" Gault

Founder & Director

Picture of Gareth

Gareth "Donkey" Gault

Founder & Director 

Gareth "Donkey" Gault

Founder & Director

Gareth Gault, better known as ‘Donkey’ to all his fans, is the director and owner of GRASSMEN. The brand GRASSMEN was established in 2010 and has grown exponentially year on year with thanks to our loyal fan base. 

GRASSMEN have a huge online presence but the favourite side of the business for Donkey is attending the shows and meeting his fans.  If you have attended any of the shows where GRASSMEN have had a stand, you will have seen the interactive nature of the distinctive GRASSMEN stand.  This is a reflection of Donkey as a person.  He is a very friendly, enthusiastic and caring person who enjoys having a chat and spending time with his fans, regardless of their age or what their favourite tractor is! 

Donkey has always loved farming, and it is from this love that GRASSMEN evolved.  Although Donkey did not grow up on a farm himself, he was lucky enough to have uncles and cousins who had farms and as a child they allowed him to get involved. As he grew up, he loved working long evenings and weekends milking cows on his family's farms.  

Going onto University he studied a degree in Agricultural Economics and Management.  From here he progressed to becoming a salesman selling animal feed. Another interest which developed on those family farms was animal nutrition. He didn’t just believe in selling the product, but selling the right product to the right person.   

Donkey was able to fulfil another dream when he passed his HGV test and became a part-time driver for Blair International and this love of lorries never left.  As you all know the pride and joy of the GRASSMEN fleet is EVA-ROSE!  

Charity has always been close to Donkey's heart and from the outset, supporting various charities has been a large part of GRASSMEN.  Donkey will do his utmost best to help charities whether that is fundraising, charity events or training days. Especially children’s charities as this means a lot to Donkey personally.  

Finally, Donkey is more like a friend than a boss to all our staff and makes everyone feel like they are part of the team. #TEAMGRASSMEN 

GRASSMEN started from Donkey's love of farming and he pursued it into a career which now employees around 20 people. Donkey would encourage any young person to follow their dreams and career, as anything is possible if you put your mind to it!

Picture of Moira Smith

Moira Smith

Graphic Designer

Picture of Moira Smith

Moira Smith

Graphic Designer 

Moira Smith

Graphic Designer

I joined the GRASSMEN team in September 2019. My job role as a Graphic Designer at GRASSMEN involves liaising with the team to come up with new concepts for our brand, advertising new products and upcoming events/shows whilst also creating content for our social media platforms and print.

I graduated in 2017 from the University of Ulster, Belfast with a degree in Graphic Design and Illustration. My main hobbies include spending time with my wee boy, travelling, going to concerts and spending too much money on clothes!

During my career, I have experience working in customer service, marketing and freelance design before starting at GRASSMEN.
Every day at GRASSMEN is different, I love the variety of work and projects I am given and enjoy the craic with everyone! It's great to be around such a hardworking and motivated team who are always at hand to help each other out.

Picture of Craig Moss

Craig Moss

Content Creator

Picture of Craig Moss

Craig Moss

Content Creator 

Craig Moss

Content Creator

I started with GRASSMEN back in September 2020 as an embroiderist helping with all of the stocks for orders and events but since leaving school I have also become part of the content creation team where I have been able to broaden my skill set and my interest in the film side.  In my spare time, I enjoy sailing in the boraaa, riding the race bike, and attending young farmers' meetings.

In the summer of 2021, I gained very valuable experience, and I am grateful to be part of the team at GRASSMEN which I hope to develop further throughout 2022 by completing my placement year with the content creation team.

Picture of Erin Crawford

Erin Crawford

Operations Assistant

Picture of Erin Crawford

Erin Crawford

Operations Assistant  

Erin Crawford

Operations Assistant

I joined the GRASSMEN team back in November 2020 to lend a
hand within dispatch and embroidery as a general operative on a part-time
basis, since then I have progressed, and I now have the position of Operations

Before my career with Moover Ltd, I left school with both my
GCSE’s and A-Levels which I achieved locally at Cullybackey College. During
school I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do however I always knew it
would be somewhere within the Events Industry. I thoroughly enjoy the buzz of
events and being a farmer’s daughter I always enjoyed heading to the
agricultural shows with my family. I then decided that University was the path
for me however it wasn’t how I imagined it, I started University in September
2020 right in the middle of the dreaded “C” word…covid, so for the most part of
my time at University it was through online video calls from my house and not
getting to interact with many people. For anyone who has met me knows I am
quite the social butterfly and LOVE to talk so for obvious reasons this was not
great for someone like myself. Such is life and, in the summer of 2024, I
graduated from Ulster University with a Bachelor of Science with First Class
Honours in Leisure and Events Management which I received during the set up of
the Royal Highland Show surrounded by the best team, #teamGRASSMEN! During
University I completed my placement year here at GRASSMEN and I gained amazing

Team GRASSMEN has allowed me to excel in my skills and this
I will always be extremely thankful for.  My role within the team varies
and I enjoy that every day is something different. Since joining the team, I
have been extremely well travelled and thoroughly enjoy getting out of HQ and
away to all the summer shows in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and
Ireland. Being a member of such a fun-filled team makes everything so much more
enjoyable. I thoroughly enjoy working here as we are just like our own big
family and support one another whilst having so much fun in the process.

I have two favourite times of the year here at GRASSMEN,
those times are show season and Christmas. Heading to all the different shows
throughout the summer months is amazing and getting to meet all our fans and
have a chat is so special. As for Christmas, GRASSMEN HQ is like no other, we
all might as well sleep here on the run up to Christmas. We all keep each other
going and that is what makes it all worth while (even when they all are singing
“All I Want For Christmas” in different tunes at the top of their lungs).

Being part of the GRASSMEN team has given me so many
different opportunities and I am looking forward to seeing what the future
holds with the team!

Outside of GRASSMEN, I am a very active member of
Randalstown Young Farmers Club and have been for almost a decade at this point.
Within the young farmers I love getting out and about, normally you will find
me on the dance floor somewhere. I love getting competitive throughout the year
and you’ll find me at most of the competitions which the YFCU has on offer.

Picture of Catherine Fleck

Catherine Fleck

Video Editor & Camera Operator

Picture of Catherine Fleck

Catherine Fleck

Video Editor & Camera Operator 

Catherine Fleck

Video Editor & Camera Operator

In June 2021 I graduated with a 2:1 in Cinematic Arts from Ulster University. A few months later I joined the GRASSMEN team as a video editor. My role within the team involves editing video content and working with the rest of the production team to create and publish content.  

I have studied film and media for the past 10 years, so it is quite clearly one of my life passions. Although editing is currently my main job, I enjoy many aspects of filmmaking from pre- to post-production. Before joining GRASSSMEN I worked in hospitality in which I gained a plethora of invaluable skills.  

When I’m not working, I enjoy being creative, reading, scrolling through Instagram and going on adventures. I love cats and have a little black rescue called Edgar who gets spoilt rotten. I grew up on a sheep farm and although I choose a career in filmmaking, it is clear that agriculture will continue to be a big part of my life.  

Picture of Karl Irwin

Karl Irwin

General Operative

Picture of Karl Irwin

Karl Irwin

General Operative 

Karl Irwin

General Operative

I joined the GRASSMEN team back in October 2021 and have enjoyed every minute of it! You will typically find me embroidering stock for our shows, our Flagship Store, customer orders and everything else in between!

Picture of Sophie Gregg

Sophie Gregg

General Operative & Retail Assistant

Picture of Sophie Gregg

Sophie Gregg

General Operative & Retail Assistant 

Sophie Gregg

General Operative & Retail Assistant

I joined the GRASSMEN team in October 2021 as a general operative. I am the baby of the team, and in 2024 I joined the team on a full-time basis. I loved getting to know the product ranges and enjoy that every day is something different with the team! My main role is based in our Flagship store as our retail customer advisor & sales assistant. You will also catch me at some of the road shows.

The staff are great, we are our own big family and I’ve loved getting to know everyone and meeting new people. I have enjoyed being able to work within the different departments at GRASSMEN and enjoy working in our Flagship Store and heading to roadshows! Working with #teamGRASSMEN has given me a great opportunity to develop my skills and learn new things which I am very thankful for.

Picture of Anna-Grace McCullogh

Anna-Grace McCullogh

Customer Support & Admin

Picture of Anna-Grace McCullogh

Anna-Grace McCullogh

Customer Support & Admin 

Anna-Grace McCullogh

Customer Support & Admin

I joined Team GRASSMEN in October 2021 to help with emails and phone calls over the mad rush of Christmas 2021.

My job description is pretty self-explanatory, as “Customer Support and Admin” I spend most of my day dealing with customer enquiries and requests through emails and phone calls.

I thoroughly enjoy keeping our loyal fans and customers happy and I try my best to help in any way I can. I also help by packing orders and anything else that needs done ... Even the tea round.

As a mum of two farming mad little boys and a farmer’s daughter, I spend most of my free time on ‘Grandas Farm’ graping silage, calving cows and scraping the cubicles.

My experience as part of the team to fate has been fun & rewarding.

Picture of Sarah Clarke

Sarah Clarke

General Operative

Picture of Sarah Clarke

Sarah Clarke

General Operative 

Sarah Clarke

General Operative

I joined Team GRASSMEN just ahead of the 2021 Christmas rush. Although I occasionally work in the Flagship Store, most of my time is spent in the embroidery room. Having worked with horses up until last year embroidery was completely new to me. I love the fast-paced work environment and everyone has made me feel so welcome and took me under their wing to learn the ropes. 

When I’m not busy embroidering I love to spend time cycling, paddleboarding and horse riding with my daughter Lexa. I am also starting a degree in Biomedical Science and Radiography in September. 

I’ve really enjoyed my time with GRASSMEN so far and I’m looking forward to learning more new skills in the future. 

Picture of Ruth Gregg

Ruth Gregg

Senior Management Team/Executive Assistant to Director

Picture of Ruth Gregg

Ruth Gregg

Senior Management Team/Executive Assistant to Director 

Ruth Gregg

Senior Management Team/Executive Assistant to Director

I joined the team in November 2017 to help with the Christmas orders and print raffle tickets for the TW35. From then, I have progressed to becoming part of the Senior Management Team as well as Gareth’s Executive Assistant. My role means I am Gareth’s right-hand woman by answering his calls, organising meetings and dealing with the finances.  Basically, if you see Gareth I will most likely not be too far away. Around GRASSMEN HQ, I am also referred to as Mrs Doyle, as you are sure to get a cup of tea or coffee if you call in. Being a part of GRASSMEN has been a real learning curve for me and I love all the new challenges. Since being with GRASSMEN, I have done a lot of travelling and I love how every day is so different.  

Before I started with GRASSMEN I worked in Galgorm Manor as the Head Pastry Chef, so moving to GRASSMEN was definitely a different career path. I also travelled and lived in Australia for over a year, which was the best experience of my life and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Picture of Katie Murphy

Katie Murphy

Accounts Admin Assistant

Picture of Katie Murphy

Katie Murphy

Accounts Admin Assistant 

Katie Murphy

Accounts Admin Assistant

I started working for GRASSMEN in March 2022 doing embroidery. Since joining the team, I have been made to feel really welcome by everyone and have enjoyed my time so far. In 2021 I finished my degree at Loughry College studying Food Innovation and Nutrition.

Following my graduation I gained a position within Dale Farm. Over the recent months I have trained and learned the accounts within the team and I now work part-time in this position. It has been great to be able to add to my skill set by being part of the team at GRASSMEN. I look forward to continuing this and maybe getting out to a few events over the summer months.

Outside of my working life I enjoy going for long walks with my dog and doing fitness classes in my spare time.

Picture of Laura McKay

Laura McKay

Embroidery Operative

Picture of Laura McKay

Laura McKay

Embroidery Operative 

Laura McKay

Embroidery Operative

I started working in Grassmen in April 2022 doing embroidery and I love helping the team get the stock ready for shows.

I am currently studying children’s care, learning and development at Belfast Met and I’m hoping to go to uni in September to study primary teaching. I’m a regular member of Straid Young Farmers where I have made lots of friends and been able to take part in all kinds of activities. In my free time, I love socialising with my friends and going for walks with my dog.

Picture of Tom Wellings

Tom Wellings

Content Creation Team

Picture of Tom Wellings

Tom Wellings

Content Creation Team 

Tom Wellings

Content Creation Team

I joined the GRASSMEN team back in May 2022 as a content creator. I left school and went to work full-time on an arable farm whilst also creating videos for my own personal channel.

I later had the opportunity to join the team and I now create GRASSMEN content full-time by visiting farmers, contractors, and manufacturers over in England. I am very grateful to be part of the GRASSMEN family and have already gained fantastic experience.

I look forward to my future here with the team and continuing to grow my skills in content creation! 

Picture of Rebecca Kerr

Rebecca Kerr

General Operative

Picture of Rebecca Kerr

Rebecca Kerr

General Operative 

Rebecca Kerr

General Operative

I joined the GRASSMEN team in 2022, I mainly work within the embroidery department but from time to time I will be found in the main warehouse. I am currently studying at university in Scotland and when I am home on holiday's from studies I try to complete as many shifts with the team as I can.

So far ihave really enjoyed being a part of the team, its good fun!

Picture of Michelle Patterson

Michelle Patterson

General Operative

Picture of Michelle Patterson

Michelle Patterson

General Operative 

Michelle Patterson

General Operative

I joined #TEAMGRASSMEN in November 2022 to help with the Christmas rush in embroidery.  Since then, I have been fortunate enough to also work in the warehouse and dispatch end of things which I enjoy.

As a busy mum of 2 boys, I don’t get a lot of free time, but when I do, I enjoy spending time with my horse and competing at shows. I’m very grateful to be part of the Grassmen team and look forward to continuing my journey here.

Picture of Holly Wilson

Holly Wilson

General Operative

Picture of Holly Wilson

Holly Wilson

General Operative 

Holly Wilson

General Operative

I started GRASSMEN in November 2022 to help dispatch the orders. Since then, I also work shifts in embroidery which is a constant go - especially when it comes to our shows and getting all the stock ready.

What I enjoy about my job is being able to go to the shows, I enjoyed going to the roadshows and seeing so many of our customers queuing up to buy our brand.

Outside of work, I enjoy being around lorries and being up at the yard with my dad.

Picture of Denise Gardner

Denise Gardner

Senior Management Team

Picture of Denise Gardner

Denise Gardner

Senior Management Team 

Denise Gardner

Senior Management Team

Best known as Denis, I joined the Senior Management Team in March 2015. I am responsible for the business as a whole and aiding each department and team member as and when I can, especially curtailing Donkey’s shiny metal addiction!

Before joining the team, I studied History at the University of Ulster and worked in various management and event positions alongside a long-term membership with the YFCU. Now as mummy to my three kids I thrive being busy but organised and enjoy all that GRASSMEN has to throw at me.

Picture of Steven Nicholl

Steven Nicholl

General Operative & Yard Assistant

Picture of Steven Nicholl

Steven Nicholl

General Operative & Yard Assistant 

Steven Nicholl

General Operative & Yard Assistant

I joined the GRASSMEN team in October 2023. My job role varies from day to day. You will find me helping with everything within the warehouse, from incoming deliveries to running the DTF printer, heat-pressing garments, getting orders out to our customers, and doing general jobs around the warehouse and yard. I also help get machinery ready for various events and tasks! I also play a strong part in getting things ready for the roadshows.

One of my most enjoyable parts to date is gaining experience on the road for the events with the team. I enjoy the great people I get to work with at GRASSMEN, it's like a family. I get to learn something new every day and each day is different. I've always enjoyed watching GRASSMEN videos and DVD's and the clothing is great, so to be a part of the team is a great achievement for me.

In my spare time, I enjoy working at cars - which has always been a hobby of mine and spending time with my little girl and taking her to the park!

Picture of Ella Gillespie

Ella Gillespie

General Operative

Picture of Ella Gillespie

Ella Gillespie

General Operative 

Ella Gillespie

General Operative

I joined the team at GRASSMEN in October 2023, I’ve been learning embroidery and dispatch and enjoying the variation of both. To date, I have enjoyed being part of the team and am excited to keep expanding my skill set.
In my spare time, I’m a member of the Ahoghill Young Farmers Club and also enjoy spending time with my horse and taking part in equestrian events.

Picture of Emma Stevenson

Emma Stevenson

Customer Support & Admin

Picture of Emma Stevenson

Emma Stevenson

Customer Support & Admin 

Emma Stevenson

Customer Support & Admin

I have just recently joined the team at the start of November 2023, just in time for the Christmas rush! On a normal day for me at GRASSMEN, you will find me at the computer dealing with customer emails & providing customer support.
The most enjoyable part of my job is helping our customers in whatever way that maybe. I also enjoy being part of such a big team and working in a fast-paced environment.
I have two beautiful children, a girl and a boy who keep me on my toes at home! We live on a farm and my partner has his own contracting business, so I like to help him out in any way I can. Whether this be feeding the stock, dosing stock, moving sheep, weighing lambs or lambing(my favourite time of the year!) Before I met my partner, I had never set foot on a farm so this was a whole new world to me, and now I can’t imagine life without it!

Picture of Conor McFetridge

Conor McFetridge

Content Creation Team

Picture of Conor McFetridge

Conor McFetridge

Content Creation Team 

Conor McFetridge

Content Creation Team

I joined the GRASSMEN content creation team in January 2024 as a presenter. This role includes filming days capturing content, editing and asking people about their tractors! Saying this, I could be at absolutely anything around the yard from machinery maintenance to photoshoots. 

Originally, I wanted to be a vet but I've always had an interest in machinery and studied Land Based Technology after leaving school. I then served my time as an agricultural mechanic. Since then, I have worked in Australia driving machinery, driving to various contractors, as well as making the occasional video in between. 

My hobbies include the gym, hurling and football. I also spend a lot of my time on the family farm at home, where we keep sheep and beef cattle.

Picture of David Millar

David Millar

Senior Management Team

Picture of David Millar

David Millar

Senior Management Team 

David Millar

Senior Management Team

I joined the GRASSMEN team in June 2017. My role within the Senior Management Team is a demanding but very enjoyable and rewarding job. I am responsible for overseeing and managing the operations within the business including events, staff, product development, production, dispatch and our flagship store to name a few!

Every day is different, I get to learn every day and come across challenges and tasks that help me better my own personal skill set. I have never been as well-travelled since I joined the team, which is a major bonus! The most rewarding part for me is that I get to manage a team that helps make the end goal so rewarding.

Before my career with Moover Ltd, I left school with GCSEs and A Levels which I achieved at Dunclug College with the vision of a career within the events industry. So, I set off to experience University life where I studied Event Management whilst working in retail and various events. I then graduated with a 2:1 BCs Hons in event management from Ulster of University which led to my Career with GRASSMEN.

My interests outside of work include days away and spending time with my loved ones, including my car! My time so far working for GRASSMEN has been challenging, rewarding and overall a lot of fun - the long hours and team spirt make it very rewarding.

I am super proud to be a part of #TEAMGRASSMEN.

Picture of Ruth Morrow

Ruth Morrow

General Operative

Picture of Ruth Morrow

Ruth Morrow

General Operative 

Ruth Morrow

General Operative

I recently joined GRASSMEN at the beginning of August just in time for busy preparations ahead of the 2024 National Ploughing Championships!

My days mainly consist of heat pressing, however you might find
me in the warehouse or leaning the ropes of the embroidery machines too. Since
starting with GRASSMEN I have enjoyed coming into work every day and being
greeted by friendly faces each morning.

I joined GRASSMEN to gain experience in the background operations of events as I am currently a final-year student completing a BSc Events Management degree at the University of Ulster.

Outside of work, I am very involved in Lisnamurrican YFC, specifically as Club
Treasurer. I love taking part in all the competitions and enjoy all the crazy
nights out too!

Picture of Rachel McCrea

Rachel McCrea

Placement - Content Creation Team

Picture of Rachel McCrea

Rachel McCrea

Placement - Content Creation Team 

Rachel McCrea

Placement - Content Creation Team

i joined the GRASSMEN team in September 2024 for my placement year. I am studying film at university and I am excited to get stuck behind the scenes at GRASSMEN to see the on-the-job experience.

Picture of Sophie Millar

Sophie Millar

Operations Supervisor

Picture of Sophie Millar

Sophie Millar

Operations Supervisor 

Sophie Millar

Operations Supervisor

I joined GRASSMEN in May 2017 to help the team get ready for Balmoral Show and since then I have become the full-time operations Supervisor looking after the warehouse, dispatch and embroidery procedures.

Within this role I ensure the embroidery and dispatch teams know what they are doing to process orders in a timely manner for all our customers and events. We run our embroidery machines seven days a week, framing up the garments and ensuring they are of the best quality possible.

I also overlook and input my opinions on new products and releases. Everything that goes to the shop, shows and online orders is checked by me and our QC teams to ensure quality and excellence.

I came out of school with my exams and I then went on to work with horses, at my family’s stables on my home farm. My career with GRASSMEN has been the best move for me as I am still learning new skills every day. I enjoy working here because we are like a family and can support each other whilst still having fun. My favourite part of GRASSMEN would be getting to go to the shows as the atmosphere is always buzzing. We get to meet the fans and it is great to see that our hard work and dedication is all worth it when we see you there.

Outside of work I like to work on my home stables with my horses and go on holidays. I enjoy going for food with family and friends.

From working at GRASSMEN I have gained new skills such as team management and organisation. I am constantly learning and developing my skills and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for us here at GRASSMEN. We are our own little family and I wouldn’t change it!

Picture of Heidi Gregg

Heidi Gregg

GRASSMEN Team Support Dog

Picture of Heidi Gregg

Heidi Gregg

GRASSMEN Team Support Dog 

Heidi Gregg

GRASSMEN Team Support Dog

I joined the team in 2022, just before the Christmas rush. My main role here at GRASSMEN is to ensure the team get daily snuggles (more for me) & to help keep the moral high ... My presence brights up any room in the team.

In my spare time, you'll find me chasing my tennis ball across the yard, and taking time out for the odd snack!

Picture of Mabel Millar

Mabel Millar

GRASSMEN Team Support Dog

Picture of Mabel Millar

Mabel Millar

GRASSMEN Team Support Dog 

Mabel Millar

GRASSMEN Team Support Dog

I joined the team in 2024. My main role here at GRASSMEN is to ensure the team gets daily care and attention (more for me) and to help keep morale high. I generally hang out upstairs, but do a daily check round of the warehouse to ensure everyone is having a good time!

In my spare time, you'll find me stretched out in my office bed, and taking time out for the odd snack!

Picture of Margot Millar

Margot Millar

GRASSMEN Team Support Dog

Picture of Margot Millar

Margot Millar

GRASSMEN Team Support Dog 

Margot Millar

GRASSMEN Team Support Dog

I joined the team in 2024, I'm the new kid on the block... To be honest, EVERYONE just loves me, I don't even need to do anything for attention so I know I'm filling my role well.

My main role here at GRASSMEN is to help keep the morale high ... My presence so far has been enough, so I'm happy about that. A day for me consists of showing up, having a nap, doing a walk around, having a nap & repeating. I hope when I get older I'll be treated with more responsibilities... Sometimes, my boss does shout at me for distracting other staff, but I can't help; I'm so cute.

In my spare time, you'll find me playing with my toys, chewing something that doesn't belong to me or getting up to something I shouldn't!

Picture of Carol Millar

Carol Millar

Operations Supervisor

Picture of Carol Millar

Carol Millar

Operations Supervisor 

Carol Millar

Operations Supervisor

I joined the GRASSMEN team in 2020 to help with embroidery & dispatch. My time as part of the GRASSMEN team has been enjoyable. I have developed many skills and it has been great to get to work across all departments and gain and see the experiences of how the business works. I enjoy attending the roadshows and meeting our fans.

The team are great fun and hard-working to work alongside and makes being part of the team special.

Recently, I joined the supervisory team, looking after the daily work loads of the operations in the warehouse and in our flagship store.

Outside of work, I like to spend time with my grandkids & carry out some home baking which is what my carer was before joining the team.

Picture of Wendy Moffett

Wendy Moffett

Operations Supervisor

Picture of Wendy Moffett

Wendy Moffett

Operations Supervisor 

Wendy Moffett

Operations Supervisor

I joined GRASSMEN in October 2020, just in time for the Christmas madness. I'm involved in the production of your clothes and merchandise with our famous GRASSMEN logo including the dispatch process. I also work in our flagship store where I love to meet and help fans get exactly what they are looking for.

I am now part of the operations team as a supervisor where i sort daily tasks and operations with the team, i have found this role busy but rewarding.

Outside of work, I enjoy time with my family and evenings out with friends. I also enjoy country and beach walks with my dog. I grew up in a farming family background and always had an interest in all aspects.

Being a member of such a fun-filled team and a wide variety of tasks within the working week makes work life so enjoyable!

Picture of Leanne Gault

Leanne Gault

Quality Control Officer

Picture of Leanne Gault

Leanne Gault

Quality Control Officer 

Leanne Gault

Quality Control Officer

I have been a part of the GRASSMEN team from word go and I have loved watching the brand grow and develop. My main aspect in the team is ensuring top quality products are coming through the production line, along with encouraging and supporting the company.

Back when it all started, you would have caught me at all the shows and events, and completing the online orders from my front room, how times have changed!

In my spare time there is nothing more I love than grabbing a coffee and a catch up with friends.

Picture of Kirstie Ward

Kirstie Ward

Business Development Representative

Picture of Kirstie Ward

Kirstie Ward

Business Development Representative 

Kirstie Ward

Business Development Representative

I first joined the GRASSMEN team back in 2015 for the filming of the DVD Donkey Contracts. Since then, I have been part of the team both on and off the screen from dealing with online orders and dispatch to running errands in the trucks or tractors or helping with setting up at events or shows. I am always on hand to help out in my spare time alongside my other work driving lorries and working to local contractors. I love getting to shows and events with the team, meeting all our customers and getting to know fans that return year after year.

Currently I work to a local contractor which takes care of my main passion in life, tractors. I still drive for JJP Haulage when I can and getting out in the lorry, a Scania R560, is one of my favourite things to do!

Working locally means I’m close to home and I have more time for my daughter Rheá who is just as mad about machinery and animals as her mum and dad. My partner Paul runs his own contracting business and having just bought his own McHale Fusion, is going from strength to strength.

Being a part of GRASSMEN has given me so many opportunities and I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds.